About CJ
CJ, formally known as Charles Boyd, is an entrepreneur driven by a passion for making a difference in the world, particularly through safety training. As the founder of CJ's World, a proudly black-owned business, CJ's journey into this field began as an EMT in California. It was in this role that his dedication to aiding others and preserving lives started to take shape.
With many years of experience in the security industry, CJ's commitment to spreading knowledge to the next generation of security professionals is at the heart of everything he does. This dedication is why he owns and operates a security training facility—so that others can succeed and excel in their roles as security officers.
At CJ's World, the ethos is clear: "We teach you how to save lives in more than one way." This motto reflects the equal importance placed on both firearm training and CPR/first aid instruction. CJ's extensive list of certifications underscores his commitment to excellence and to providing top-tier training:
1. NRA Training Counselor
2. NRA Basic Pistol Instructor
3. NRA Rifle Instructor
4. NRA Chief RSO
5. USCCA Concealed Carry and Home Defense Instructor
6. California Certified DOJ Instructor
7. California Carry Concealed DOJ Instructor
8. BSIS Certified Firearm Instructor
9. BSIS Training Facility Owner
11. Nationally Certified EMT
12. Red Cross Instructor/Instructor Trainer
13. Health Safety Institute Instructor/Instructor Trainer